Be Thankful Always, Not Just During Lent
I've never been one to celebrate Lent. Not exactly true though, since I've always acknowledged it, appreciated it, and enjoyed watching and hearing people's experiences with giving things up and cutting things out in order to have a better focus on the 40 days of the season. But I've never actually chosen to give anything up myself. I always thought, "what's the point, I'll fail anyways", just like all of the New Years resolutions I see fade or forgotten altogether around the middle of January each year. But, this year is different for me. God has blessed me greatly during the past 16 months with a relationship that has stretched me, grown me, and made me better in many ways as a daughter of Christ trying to love another person as God loves me. One way this relationship has grown me is by bringing out some of my not-so-great characteristics that need growth or even to be cut out altogether. For example, I can be incredibly anxious and stubborn,...